Cornichons, Ham, and Light Butter on a French Baguette

3:07:00 PM Anna 0 Comments

While looking for some new low fat/low calorie items at Trader Joe's a few weeks ago, I ran across a jar of "cornichons" - which I want to keep calling cornichos for some reason.  Having never heard of these tiny pickles before, I went searching for information and recipes online.

Turns out cornichon is just the french word for gherkin.  So, pretty much, they're just the smallest pickles I've seen - and go well on sandwiches.  Most people who know me know that I'm a fan of pretty much any sandwich - and so I decided to try a lighter version of this cornichon recipe I kept seeing online.

What you will need:

1/6th French baguette
1 Tablespoon Balade Light Butter with Sea Salt
3 slices thick cut ham (I used Trader Joe's uncured black forest ham with no nitrates or nitrites added)
6 cornichons, sliced in half lengthwise

I decided to make my sandwich open faced so I could enjoy more of the toppings without the added bread.  Cut baguette in half, top each piece with 1/2 tablespoon butter, 1.5 slices of ham, and 6 cornichon halves.


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