
12:33:00 PM Anna 0 Comments

Thanks to some free time and a Netflix subscription, I have still been watching lots of documentaries that have me thinking about the chemicals in my drinks, food, cosmetics, household cleaners, etc.  It really is scary what we put into and on our bodies on a daily basis without thinking about it.  On any given day I would shower using shampoo, conditioner, soap, and face wash.  After, I would put on lotion and face lotion.  I wouldn't think twice about drinking a diet coke, eating a frozen meal,  etc,  etc.

And now, while I haven't rushed to throw out all of my shampoo, I am just much more aware of the products I am using and eating.  It feels nice to cut one or two items out of my daily regimen.  I stopped using my face wash and face lotion.  My skin has always been extremely sensitive so I was nervous about the change, but I have been using only organic virgin coconut oil ($5-$6 at Trader Joe's) for about a month now and it has only improved my skin.  I know, sounds crazy, but it works. Google "OCM" or "oil cleansing method" and you'll find all kinds of information.  Plus it's all natural and smells great.  When I do run out of shampoo and conditioner, I'd like to try making my own.  Of course, there are also brands out there like Burt's Bees and Tom's that I can try.  It's also been a month now since I've had any type of soda (hooray!).  I am not at all above it, and I'm not saying I won't drink it ever again, but I actually don't miss it.  I've been perfectly happy with water, tea, and coffee.

Another way to cut out some chemicals is to make homemade household cleaners.  Baking soda and vinegar are awesome for a number of reasons. This article says that a vinegar water mix is actually much more effective at washing your produce than a store bought vegetable wash or a scrub brush.  Also, super cheap.  3 parts water and 1 part vinegar - I did it in my sink and put all my produce in at the same time.  You could also make the mixture in a squirt bottle and use whenever you needed it.

I think that may be enough of a rant for today.  If you have any other suggestions for me I'd love to hear them!

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